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Welcome to StreamSolution

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Welcome to StreamSolution


In this guide you will find instructions to start streaming immediately thanks to the platform.


StreamSolution is the platform of audio and video streaming services, signed by Xdevel.

The quality of our service has allowed us to quickly become a point of reference for broadcasters and companies wishing to publish their streaming content.


With StreamSolution you have the possibility to carry out:


Audio streaming:

Fully compatible with the latest HTML5 and JavaScript technologies.

Playback on standard http and https ports, no firewall problems.

Supports the most advanced protocols such as HLS, MPEG-DASH, RTMP, RTSP.

Statistics for channel monitoring (simultaneous connected users, historical, analytical, generated traffic).

Custom audio player, enriched with VAST, multibitrate, multichannel and social sharing functions.


Video streaming:

Fully compatible with the latest HTML5 and JavaScript technologies.

Playback on standard http and https ports, no firewall problems.

Supports the most advanced protocols such as HLS, MPEG-DASH, RTMP, RTSP.

Live transmission on social networks (Facebook, YouTube and others).

DVR playback to view your content in the player by also going backward up to one hour.

Statistics for channel monitoring (simultaneous connected users, historical, analytical, generated traffic).

Custom video player with user logos, enriched with VAST functions, multibitrate, multichannel, with DVR support and social sharing.



To make the best use of our platform:


icon-faq Consult the FAQ, where you will find the answers to the questions asked by other users..

icon-contact If you do not find the solution to your problem, contact us without obligation, we will gladly answer your doubts.